baby barf!
my life.
im going to got down quick sections of thing that happened to me.
Birthday: 12/31
im going to got down quick sections of thing that happened to me.
i like slumdog millionare
the shining rocks
woof woof
this is the worlds greatest movie
my best freind EVER!
my fav basketball player.
straight out of linwod , weird al yankavic
yummy. just kidding. its digusting
my real clan
oww i got shot!! darrnit this hurts!
this is the greatest and most bestest song in the world.... tribute. long time ago me and and my freind gnmg, we was hitch hikin down a long lownsome road. when all the sudden there shinied a shinny demon... in the middle....of the road. AND HE SAID!!! " play me the best song in the world, or i'll eat you souls!" well me and gnmg we looked at each other and we each said " OK!" and we played the first thing that came to our head and it go so happened to be! the best song in the world it was the best song in the world. look in my eyes and its easy to see! 1 and 1 makes 2 2and 1 makes three it was destiny. once every hundred thousand years or so when the sun donth shinith and the moon donth glow and the grass dont groooooooww!!! needless to say the beast was stunned WHIP CRACK with his rubber tail , and the beast was done.and he said " doth ye beith angeels????!!!!!????" and we say" NAY we are but men rock ahhhhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhh ohwhoh ohwhohohohwhooh! this is not the greatest song in the worrrld NO! this is just a tribute. because we couldnt remmmeber dah greatest song in the world NO! this is just a tribute ( guitar solo) and the funny thing is my freinds the song we played that night was nothing like this song! you gotta belive me and we wish you we there. ( jack black just randomly singing till' the ene of the song, and the world) THE END!
i saw them in concert they rock! there 2nd next to ratatat. BLACK ICE. im the #11 or somthin fan
what the heck you looken at fatso
read my journal it interesting
i love simpsons and lost!
heres jhonny!!!!!!!!!
i have no idea what the this thing is but omg its beutiful. please post on comments of what this is a picture of
these are weird people i look up who are NOT my freinds. (from left to right) retard, perv, smurf, maddona, demi lovato.
i pee in bottel
rawr meens i luv u in dino
my name is nate, or is it?
i love the book slumdog21 is writing in arena!!
i 2 luv slumdog21 book
slumdogmillionaire 4ervr!
dont make me pull the triga
i <3 sonic da heghog
the story im writing is almost as good as the one slumdog is writing! key word almost
i love anime more than anyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you have annoyed the monkey
this is the 2nd greatist movie
powdered donut. read it.
i love gage !
this is my yoyo. i'm seriously a professinal yoyo player. i go to contest and kick a** to.
this is my guitar and i also kick a** at this
check out me and my buds you tube channel, new vids every sunday.
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