
SleepingBlade's avatar


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Me? Nothing much to tell that you'd believe. Fairly tall, minor anger issues, no respect for authority until they earn it, that kinda stuff.

I've been accused of being, among other things, a Demon Lord in disguise, a Vulcan, and one of Odin's generals. And that's just off of meeting me, people that I've known for a while often come to the conclusion that I am not so easy to define.

For most practical purposes, I am a reasonable, mostly rational, tolerant guy with an excess of reference material that it seems nobody else has heard of. Any topic is fair game as long as you realize I probably don't agree with you on most things.


View All Comments

ArkRaptor Report | 03/31/2011 8:57 am
Why thank you~
Xx_Winged_Demon_xX Report | 03/28/2011 8:15 am
thanks for buyin 3nodding
Pinkaloo oo Report | 03/02/2011 2:33 am
Pinkaloo oo
ty 4 buyin
Super Mega Toast Report | 09/13/2010 10:39 am
Super Mega Toast
Thank you thank you, you too c:
Super Mega Toast Report | 09/11/2010 4:41 pm
Super Mega Toast
Hullo c: You may have noticed me and my mule had a bidding war over one of your items.. I don't know if you get a notification for each time we bid, so in case you did, I ended it with.. I forget how much xD But it's more than usual, so sorry for the bidding war over it! Ok long comment is long xD Sorry!
Raven Zye Report | 03/09/2009 5:01 pm
Raven Zye
*cough-cough* look at the guild...
Azor Ahai Reborn Report | 02/01/2009 7:52 pm
Azor Ahai Reborn
Thanks for buying! I hope you enjoy the cape!
extramouth Report | 01/29/2009 8:51 pm
Thanks for buying the horns.
x-BboyForLifee-x Report | 09/11/2008 7:08 pm
thnx 4 da magic mountain orb purchase
Raven Zye Report | 08/12/2008 9:45 pm
Raven Zye
Hey there Mr. Man!!! How's things in Calli?


hate me if you will
fight me when you can
I am impossible to kill
and you'll soon understand

when at last you can hear
and think and see clearly
only then will my end be near
for you'll be at last worthy


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