1. i like to get drunk so sue me
2.legend of legaia is the best rpg no questions asked
4.i take my life lessons from foamy
5.t'baggin's a bad crime don't do it
6.i'm friggin' awesome
7.you don't like me?... w/e
8.anime is the best i like it if you don't like it go to hell
9.everytime you look at hentai a child is killed by a domo.....
so help the domo
10.porn....like i need to say anymore
things i don't care about
you bieng richer than me
if your cat died....(lol @ U)
global warming.....(i like a tan)
how blind i am....(i can still watch porn)
construction workers
little kids
people that spam me about religion
your problems....(unless your a hot asian girl with bf probs then i might be able to help there ;p)
rain...(i like to walk in the rain)
20 feet of snow
if the prime minister dies....(i probobly did not help....maybe)
things i really hate
lies!!!....you lie you die!!!
people that think they can take over the world....go ******** yourself hitler
moders on halo....leave the friggin' game alone b***h
"******** you
people that do a really bad job at mimicking anime characters...my suggestion-shut up
emo's .....well what can i say....do the world a favor and just kill yourself
it's not to hard nowadays
george forman grills
shopping with women.....it takes a man one friggin' minute to go in and get what they NEED
softcore porn
dolls 0.o
fall out boy....join the emo's
bum's.....seriously instead of making the rest of the world crap annd begging for food go and get a ******** job
people that dislike working due to the labour.....get over it princess life isn't handed to you in a pretty basket you gotta earn your way so get used to kissing a**
things i like:
hardcore porn
more porn
your girlfriend
you think i'm sick but you know you are guilty too
that's about all of me.......
Greenday rules if you don't like them go kill yourself and ask god what the hell was wrong with you
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