Sir Kaoru

Sir Kaoru's avatar

Gender: Male

Recent Visitors

WlTCHLlNG on 03/23/2024
Nyxsirisa on 06/02/2021
aphelia the vampire on 01/06/2021

My Store

Welcome to my store.

I sell all different kinds of items, often to earn gold for quests.

Thank you in advance for your purchases.


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[I]'ve lost the [l]ight, that guides the way
It took me [h]ere and then it went [a]way
I had some [D]reams, some answered [P]rayers
It gave me [w]ings then took away the [a]ir so....
[S]lither to me
I'll make you [s]ee
What's in side this whole sale [l]ie
I feel [m]isplaced, feel [i]ncomplete
Feels like I'm [m]issing part of my [s]leep
[S]lither to me
I'll make you [s]ee
[Life inside this Reptile House]


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Philharmonic Helix Report | 10/11/2014 8:07 pm
Philharmonic Helix
You have an amazing avatar! heart heart
aphelia the vampire Report | 03/16/2014 2:47 am
aphelia the vampire
Buttface, you need to give me links to things so I can stalk find you irl ; 3;
Like your esty store
White Rider Pestilence Report | 12/04/2013 12:35 am
White Rider Pestilence
Yeah.. It's good to see you though. <33 I'm glad you're doing well. /not sure if repeating self..
Damn technology. Messing up.. I hope it stops erroring for you. om o My laptop shut off as I was replying because an internal issue.
White Rider Pestilence Report | 12/03/2013 11:48 pm
White Rider Pestilence
Ahh, hiiii! I hope you've been doing well. We've missed youuuu. ow o
kii-silver-fox-kii Report | 08/24/2013 11:51 am
~clings like a leech~ KAORUUUUUUUUUUU ohmigosh I've missed you!
RandomKate Report | 08/09/2013 12:21 am
GASP! You're alive!
White Rider Pestilence Report | 08/08/2013 3:30 pm
White Rider Pestilence
/attaches to hug you/
I am so glad to see you're okay! <3

I ended up moving this week, jsyk. /no internet atm/ Same state, just in the city.
Nyxsirisa Report | 08/08/2013 9:05 am
Yuh I saw. xD Hope you're doing well, atleast! smile
aphelia the vampire Report | 08/08/2013 1:43 am
aphelia the vampire
finally you live u fricker
Nyxsirisa Report | 06/24/2013 9:02 am
*Random comment from Lack's Profile* You know him from SL... Old friend of that nameless chick from ye olden dating times.

Also hi xD