[I]'ve lost the [l]ight, that guides the way
It took me [h]ere and then it went [a]way
I had some [D]reams, some answered [P]rayers
It gave me [w]ings then took away the [a]ir so....
[S]lither to me
I'll make you [s]ee
What's in side this whole sale [l]ie
I feel [m]isplaced, feel [i]ncomplete
Feels like I'm [m]issing part of my [s]leep
[S]lither to me
I'll make you [s]ee
[Life inside this Reptile House]
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Like your esty store
Damn technology. Messing up.. I hope it stops erroring for you. om o My laptop shut off as I was replying because an internal issue.
I am so glad to see you're okay! <3
I ended up moving this week, jsyk. /no internet atm/ Same state, just in the city.
Also hi xD