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The Snow Queen
by Jeannine Hall Gailey

You tell yourself he only left you for her

because of the wicked shard of glass in his eye,

but the truth is, every man wants an ice princess.

The truth is, you're too easy to get used to —

your sloppy warmth, the heat from your skin

fresh from the garden — it's too much for him.

He'd rather marvel at her tedious snowflakes,

caress her frosted hair, bask in that cold gaze,

that veneer of symmetry. So you wander

around town like an idiot, forgetting

even your shoes. The boys there

are all still in awe of her. "Did you see

that thing she was driving?" they keep asking.

You set off to bring him back, not thinking

you are the last person he wants to see.

"He's trapped in that ice castle," you murmur,

"He needs to be rescued." Dogged, you follow

the tiny shards of glass, and their sparkle.

And when you finally find him, dark with cold

from her brutal kisses, he doesn't even

recognize you. You stop blaming the shard

in his eye; how can you rescue a man

whose heart, transfixed by skeletal crystal,

craves the bruising of frost?


View All Comments

iiCait Report | 04/18/2009 2:53 pm
Thx for the buy smile
work15 Report | 02/21/2009 4:37 pm
Nice avatar
theorie de chaos Report | 02/18/2009 8:32 pm
I love your avatar. And you said twilight sucks in a thread post you did, so I was all "... comment, now!" so I am. =)

that's all!
TheresaGoeSRawR Report | 02/05/2009 2:16 pm
your avi is so pretty ;D

-is jealous-
Sl1pstr3am2010 Report | 02/02/2009 12:48 pm
ZOMBIES?! *runs away*
Lady Schiffer Report | 11/05/2008 2:50 pm
THANKS4VOTIN...i <3 ur avi! XD
Eirika Report | 07/16/2008 12:13 pm
I just wanted to stop by your profile and give my compliments to your writings here, in hopes that maybe people who swing by will come check you out in the arena. Definitely one of the best, IF NOT THE BEST, writer I've seen so far. I was foolish and submitted short prompts (Was going in order of most recent work) when I got stopped to the whole "2 submissions a day". Know now to put my best works first haha.

I can't wait to see more from you (:
Merriara Report | 07/04/2008 9:00 am
Thank you for buying!
Dizsi Report | 05/30/2008 1:45 pm
Lookin' spiffy, hun
FancyFaceAnita Report | 05/15/2008 3:19 pm
Thank you for your purchase,

have a wonderful evening.


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