I would very much appreciate it if you told me the name of the blue dress that one of your outfits has!
I beleive it is the Fate/Stay Night one :S Is it from Fate/Stay Night? I'm not sure...but I really wish to know the name of the blue dress >,< it is soooo cute!
Hey, I'm ChaoticMegamanZero. I just random walked into the outfit shop section of the marketplace. I've just noticed yours that are on sale. Nice cosplay outfits.mrgreen Well See you later.
ik some of the avis who are in ur store: one: yuuki cross anime: vampire knight, two: tsubaki anime: soul eater, three: hinata anime :naruto, and have one that i dont know the name but i know its form anime bleach.ur a anime lover,me too.my pro is full of some anime pics,including some accounts that i have and cosplay. yuuki (vampire form) and crona.and if u know rozen maide: shinku.
heeeeeeee your so super awesome!!! i was wondering if you were going to do a maya cosplay! and there you did it haha whee, you should add whatever other cosplays you have done to your profile, its always awesome to see what you have done
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I beleive it is the Fate/Stay Night one :S Is it from Fate/Stay Night? I'm not sure...but I really wish to know the name of the blue dress >,< it is soooo cute!