My Store...BUY STUFF!!!!
Items Sold Here
PM for lower prices or bulk purchases of zOMG items
zOMG Recipes-feel free to pm me on recipes not listed or bulk buying of recipes. I usually have a large stock of them.
zOMG items-these i do not list unless i have 100+ in stock but if your interested in less than that PM me and I'll check my stock
H E L P !
I am trying for the last item on my Dream Avatar and I need your help. Help me get my Michael's Wings.
I need your trash, Bugs, Paper, Boots, Tires, Flowers and other such garbage.
Item Need:Michaels Wings
Quest-Alchemist Case
Later Quests
Need-Angelic Quest Inizio
Need-Angelic Quest Due
Need-Angelic Quest Tre
Need-Angelic Quest Quattro
Need-Angelic Quest Cinque
Need-Angelic Quest Sei
Need-Angelic Quest Sette
Need-Angelic Quest Otto
Need-Angelic Quest Nove
Need-Angelic Quest Dieci
Need-Angelic Quest Undici
Need-Angelic Quest Dodici
Need-Angelic Quest Termine
What People Have To Say
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I have not read tale of the body thief yet. I have only read the first three so far. Enjoyed them thoroughly though ^_^