xxxxxxxxxxMy Name Is B r o o k e... D O N ' T x W E A R xI T x O U T! < 3Age: 18
Birthday: October 12
L I T T L E xB I T x A B O U T x M E::
Well hello smile My name is Brooke and I am a Senior in high school located in las vegas <3
I love to draw and hang out with my friends smile I also love to roleplay so hit me up if you want to have a 1x1 ;o
So uh im kinda broke xD I dont know about you, but a donation is most appreciated <333 I wont beg or anything but i just play booty grab and make my rounds xD
Uh so yeah! Have fun on Gaia and friend me if you wanna talk c:
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it's okayyy xD
I'm 3 years younger than you haha
my birthday is 3 days after yours xD