Checkj Chronicles
Life, things, matter.
Last Login: 11/06/2023 8:18 pm
Location: The Hurricane's Eye
Birthday: 12/07
Occupation: Student
Life, things, matter.
Dreams are the sky. So far away, yet so close.
Can't live without 'em... smile
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Haha, what bugged you about the ending? To me, it was only disappointing that they didn't show grown Prof. Longbottom. 3nodding I thought Harry and Ginny's kids were adorable. whee Though I've never at all understood why Harry marries Ginny, of all the cool chicks in the series.... neutral
You've shown me it is, in fact, possible to have a wrong opinion. xp Haha, South Park is where it's at. blaugh (Yes, I know that's improper grammar.) All this in Latin class? Not History? Haha, easy there, wouldn't wanna break something. Anything old appeals to me. whee My friend went to see Dracula's Castle. Said it was awesome. Yeah, I've always wanted to visit India, too, though I've probably already told you that. 3nodding The food rocks, the music is cool, the culture's just interesting. smile Haha, I've never personally seen the Sisters at it, but I hear it's quite a sight to see. whee
Oh! By the way, my mom finally let me get a Facebook on Monday. I'll send you the link. Feel free to add me, because I have, like, 180 friends so far, but I'm kindasorta aiming for 1,000,000. wink Kid, never underestimate the combined powers of the WWW and the brain of halfway-intelligent adolescent. blaugh I've done really, really well with the system I've got going, so don't knock it 'til ya try it! whee Haha, I end up doing more work than you think, so don't judge, lol. And I reckon I do just fine and dandy memorizing lines for theatre. wink
Haha, kind and accepting? Me? Well, shucks! blaugh Yeah, when I took it like a year ago with Anie, we both got a three-way tie between Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, and Hufflepuff. Lol, I don't fully trust those tests results, anyway. Shortly after taking the Sorting Hat one, I took the Clue! character test one. Apparently, I'm a pervert like Mr. Plum. neutral How fitting.
Right on, lesbian aunt! biggrin
Haha, I honestly don't think it's all that bad. Not one single person actually reads the entire book, like I said, so at least I go to the effort to actually get all the info. I think of not as cheating, but as a clever, time-efficient study strategy. wink
Gosh, that's sick. My stepdad's a lawyer, and he was doing this high-profile case on a dad who threw his kids over the bay bridge. But yeah, microwaving definitely sounds more gruesome.... neutral
Meh...Family Guy doesn't appeal to me much. It can be funny at times, but I feel like the jokes aren't all that original. I like South Park because there's clearly some thought process that goes into the eps. Obviously, some of the eps are stupid and a lot of them are gross, particularly recent ones. But it can be really clever at times. As I've mentioned before, I'm one for satire. 3nodding Yeah, I've always wanted to visit the ancient parts of Rome. smile Don't be surprised by soccer-playing Popes. The Dominican sisters at my school play soccer, volleyball, and basketball in their habits. blaugh I just don't understand how volleyball dives work with all that fabric....
Haha, I only know like ten of my Gaia friends. blaugh I'll accept anyone who adds me, provided that their profiles don't seem creepy and they don't seem like unkind people. If I'm not mistaken, I have at least fifty friends on here, but I only talk to seven or so. Maybe I'm too trusting, but I don't give out personal info or anything, and I block creepers. Oh, my English teacher requires that we cite quote sources and all that. I find quotes online when I'm really stuck, but often I just find my own. Often I can remember bits of a seemingly relevant quote but I don't know where it is in the book, so I use the internet for that. In my opinion, taking quotes online is fine as long as you use them in your own way and all that.
Really? Aren't Hufflepuffs supposed to be very honest, though? Apparently, you don't think me very trustworthy with the internet summaries and whatnot, so I'm not sure why you say it's fitting. blaugh I can see you as a Ravenclaw, I think.
Why thank you! smile I'll decide whether I can say the same of you.... xp Haha, just kidding.
Lesbian aunt? The Bible-thumping Catholic aunt? confused I hope you don't mean her. blaugh It seems to me that she'd be betraying her own set of morals.
She thinks your dog is terrifying too.
Teehee, might I point out that you forgot your end parenthesis? 3nodding
I'll explain my latest excuse in the following lines. smile I tend to procrastinate with school. It's funny because no one in my school really does all the homework. We all kinda sit around in homeroom and frantically copy down each other's answers. Somehow we all get decent grades, and our school even made the list of top fifty Catholic schools in the country. Of the schools on the list, we're the only Maryland one and the only all-girls school. smile I guess homework should be teamwork.... 3nodding
Lock-ins are fun. Come to think of it, I never got around to having my birthday party this year. blaugh I was in Cape May, New Jersey on a religious retreat. Didn't bring my phone or computer, but withdrawal wasn't so bad. smile It was the best week of my life, no exaggeration. whee Coming home is a drag.... sad Since I got home, I haven't done much other than daily swim practices and celebrating the fourth of July. And at the moment, I'm watching South Park. whee
Yeah, plants are just misfortunate. sad Uh, I'm pretty sure that's a piranha rather than a shrimp. 3nodding And if I haven't mentioned, I'm technically pescetarian rather than vegetarian, so I do eat crustaceans and fish. I didn't, but I then realized that protein deficiency makes me extra spacey and ADD and can also affect the brain development of my future kids. confused I plan to raise little prodigies, so that won't work. I guess you could almost call it nepotism. smile
Well, that is what we believe. Was it any more or less cannibalistic when they did it at the Last Supper? 3nodding Yeah, well, if you actually care at all about the Catholic transubstantion doctrine, this further reading might clarify a bit. I personally take quite a bit of interest in other faiths. I spent a good portion of yesterday idling and reading about Jehovah's Witness and Mormon beliefs.
Well, naturally, I pick freedom. I'm pretty sure that atheism is based on belief, whereas agnosticism is based on actual knowledge, so it is possible to be atheist. One could actually argue that we're all agnostic because no one can actually know for a fact whether God exists. I honestly just feel bad for atheists because lack of faith doesn't offer the same hope that comes with faith in God and an afterlife. My actual atheist friends are all guys, and none of them seem very happy to me. confused I used to always ask myself where I stand on scientific debate, and I realized that I don't actually care. Ignorance is bliss, I guess. 3nodding I guess the idiom "believing is seeing" is more suiting to me. Concrete evidence doesn't mean much to me, which is why I'll never be a scientist. whee
blaugh My favourite part of Scott Pilgrim was "We Hate You, Please Die". Cera's actually in a number of funny movies. Year One and Youth In Revolt are good, particularly the former. smile
Eh, guess you proved me wrong. 3nodding After typing my last message, I immediately went on YouTube and watched Tuck Everlasting in my room.
No problem, I can just counter that by developing a prejudice against all Episcopalians like yourself. xp Believe it or not, we're pretty tolerant. Of all Christian denominations, Catholics are apparently the most tolerant of homosexuality in spite of our bigoted reputation. wink There's this really liberal parish in my area that everyone knows as "the lesbian church". Rumour has it that all the same-sex couples go there with their adopted kids. blaugh
Gotta go to bed!
Macross is my fav anime ever =3=