hello, im alexlive in florida
half german half italin (part african american but u cant tell by looking at me)
one of the most random people u will ever meet
platenuim blonde hair (ask my friends i get a bunch of blonde moments)
instead of a blonde moment , i have a blonde life (my life is one big blonde moment)
could u guess i took the sat in 7th instead of in the 10th and got a better math score then my sis in her 10th grade sat biggrin
i am smart s-m-r-t
right?thats how u spell it? i tink
cloudy blue eyes
team edward all the way
my boyfriend is bonsai2calm
my bfffff in real life is Alexa she is the most random person u will ever meet
(im a close second)
Alexa and me look lik twins but shes a grade lower and lik 3 inches taller (dang it)
omg if u want to hear an amazing voice, go to this link. i dont care if u dont lik the song she's singing but just listen. she rocks biggrin
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