Come little children, come with me
Safe and happy, you will be
Away from home, now let us run
With Hypno, you'll have so much fun
Oh, little children, please don't cry
Hypno wouldn't hurt a fly
Be free to frolic, be free to play
Come with me to my cave to stay
Oh, little children, please don't squirm
These ropes, I know, will hold you firm
Now look to me, the pendant calls
Back and forth, your eyelids fall
Oh, little children, you cannot leave
For you, your families will grieve
Minds unravelling at the seams
Allowing me to haunt their dreams
Do not wail and do not weep
It's time for you to go to sleep
Little children, you were not clever
Now you'll stay with me forever
my names anthony i am a proud black lion i have a bit of a short temper at times but im rilly rather sweet vary kind vary cute(so iv been told) and i can be shy ..i can get vary evil at times i love creepy things,songs,pics you nameit and i love all things purple and mithalogicl i have spelling isshus so be paitiont with me plz im 17 and curintly not taken im bi curus and still in the closit ;D
whats in my soul
he is where i pour mysoul out to you so you beter lisen if you enter my domaen
this is where i let all my feelings out in a pome. this is the only way i can exsperes myself.
i have delxeya plz be patient with me
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