Name: Mercy(;Age: 3 and a half... hehe jk
Single: ..Noo
Type: I'm american
Music: Skrillex, Dubstep, Lady GaGa, Foster the People, The Band Perry, Selena Gomez, Hollywood Undead, DeadMau5, Evanescence, Flyleaf, Secondhand Serenade, NeverShoutNever, Ludo, Lil Wayne, Fallout Boy, The Beatles, The Script, The Fray, Panic at the Disco, Nicki Minaj, Taylor Swift, Linkin Park, Three Days Grace, Owl City, Katy Perry, The Maine, Cute is What We Aim For, All Time Low, Plain White Tee's, 3oh!3, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Neon Trees
Look Like: Brown hair, brown eyes):.... average looking ^-^
Friends: Only about three of my friends have a gaia, my bffnmwh
Cassi(Suwechi), Zoe & Ty(((:
What Is The Meaning of Life: Whatever you want it to be
I <3 Randoms razz
I <3 when people are real(;
I <3 ME razz
I <3 fam(ILY)
I <3 Cassi
I <3 Alonzo
I <3 chocolate rice krispy treats!!!
I <3 my hair
I <3 Nerds&Skaters
I <3 Zelda
I <3 You wink
I was born in a boring little town sad ..... I still live here and plan to leave as soon as possible.
I have two sisters... Samantha & Kayla. I am the middle child.
I go to South High School smile )...... My favorite animal is a piggy^-^ & im going to get one when i groww up razz
I love to eat white chocolate, it is one of the greatest things god has made....
I'm not perfect....
I'll annoy you,
Tick you off,
Say stupid things,
& then take them back.
But put all that aside,
You'll never find a person that,
Cares & Loves you
More then me<3
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