My name Melissa but you can call me Shm3xyn3rd (shmexynerd) I am 15 birthday is Fed 23 1994. I'm in the 10th grade.I live in New York, Queens and love it! I am a Chobits loving freak. I love to draw and play games but mostly draw. I started drawing in the 8th grade so please be nice in judging my artwork. I will be working on more art I don't plan on stopping my quest on. . . sorry of topic. I also like doing poems even if I'm not all that at it .
The blood I spilled
The fear I felt
The wrong I did
Can be undone
My evil deeds
Has lead to this
And now someone is dead
The blood I spilled
Was not my own
The fear I felt
Made me run away
And now inside I'm dead
The death of he
And the death of me
Blood was shed
To go back to start over
To never return
To never feel pain
Is to late.
Well I think I'm good at what I do so thats. Enjoy my picture(s)


Any Donations Would be Great! Working my way to the top 15,000/150,000 KOTTAN BELL
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