Ye Olde Swan Shoppe
Some short rules to leave the little swan happy:
1. If I'm selling a Buy Now don't bother me with PMs or comments asking to buy the object at a lower price: I'm not a charity or an NPO, so, if I give a price, then I need that amount of gold, period!
2. If I'm bidding something please don't waste your time offering via PMs or comments less gold than the lower Buy It Now price: that really annoys me a lot! In short, place your bid properly and wait.
3. No, I'm not selling what I'm wearing (not even at the actual marketplace price), so don't even ask.
4. I hate beggars: everything I own in my inventory is fruit of my own efforts. If you need something start your own quest on the forums, search for a charity or try your luck at some lotto threads, DON'T-VEX-ME!
If you're going to follow these rules then good luck and enjoy your purchase! ^^
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Its greatly appreciated!
Pleasr come again!