Hallo! Dis ish der Peeper! I'm the creater of the '-eeper' group! Members Include:
The Jashin Peeper
The Grimm Creeper
Queen Meepers
The Gleeful Reeper
The Fuzzy Sheeper
The Cheerful Weeper
Yes well, call me what you will, cuz I probebly wont give a damn. I excel in Math, Science and Art, but fail epicly in Geography and P.E.
I'm the kind of person who'll put things off till the last second, then stress to get em done. I'm an avid reader, I love video games and I obsess over manga. You may have noticed, I have a fun time collecting stupid icons...Damn, there too amusing! >o<

This is the best Valentines card EVER!
I cannot begin to describe how slowly my nose burns for you. As I write this, I'm flying in my starlit sky, unable to contain my falling desire. Please, accept my ugly embrace and know that you're truly the mouldy tomato of my eye.
This is a bit too addicting...
I yearn for you quickly,
The Jashin Peeper
Where theres a waffle, theres a way.
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