Shimmering Fox

Shimmering Fox's avatar

Last Login: 04/11/2021 12:01 pm

Registered: 12/24/2007

Gender: Female

Birthday: 10/01

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Local Forest Dweller Report | 03/21/2021 7:30 am
thank you
Bride_Of_Sesshomaru825 Report | 03/19/2021 10:29 am
what can I say, i'm a royal pain uwu heart
Local Forest Dweller Report | 03/16/2021 7:06 am
hi i like your avi biggrin
Bride_Of_Sesshomaru825 Report | 03/08/2021 3:05 pm
OMG MY WIFE RETURNS. how are you darling!! Honestly??? I've learned the names of items I use and I just search them by keywords. Very often when I start an outfit with an item in mind I end up not wearing it because I couldn't find it. I have 3 pages of hats alone. I have so much junk its not even funny lol I have a hoarding problem when it comes to clothes whee
Creme Liqueur Report | 04/24/2020 10:40 pm
Just popping in to say hello, friend! I recently logged back in to find your so sweet comment on my profile. I'm doing really well! I'm still working at the moment (with lots of protection and caution to avoid the virus). I hope you are staying safe and healthy through the pandemic. Please let me know if I can do anything or send any good vibes/prayers/thoughts your way. Hope to hear from you soon.
LudioChriss Report | 03/29/2020 6:45 pm
Howdy Doodaly cat_3nodding
Bride_Of_Sesshomaru825 Report | 03/20/2020 2:43 pm
OMFG, I have ANIMAL CROSSING NEW HORIZONS and DOOM I AM SET im waiting for them to download AS I TYPE i am HYPED
My depression is gone, my fields are watered and i am LIVING MY BEST LIFE > biggrin DDDD
Patchsoon Report | 02/20/2020 2:13 am
Greatly appreciate you spending your last few days messaging me and my profile, I hope you have a great day and a happy 2020.
Bride_Of_Sesshomaru825 Report | 02/18/2020 11:56 am
sorry im kinda stressed. i got fiered from my job recently and ive been emailing back and forth the californium labor board, for unlawful termination and sexual harassment. I had a phone conference with one this morning and my heart is still pounding sorry i dont mean to info dump, im just frazzled with life right now
Patchsoon Report | 02/16/2020 10:16 pm
Thanks very much for posting on my profile. Yes, it's great to be back here questing and bumping, things look different, but at the same time stays the same. I'm glad you have had soo much fun in Gaia even though you're leaving, at least you've experienced the childhood fun many of us had before inflations. I'm happy to accept any donations you may send my way. Know that I don't sell things donated, and if somewhere along the lines you come back, know that I'm happy to return it to you if you ask.


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Something I need to remember is
to care for other people
simply in the ways

they really want to be cared for, not only in my own way.



Hi visitor! As of January 2020 I have deactivated my Gaiaonline. I have graduated from Gaia (and by the time you read this, I've probably graduated from college, too.

Changed my password to a random set of numbers so I cannot come back if I tried!

My email:

Old About Me:
Hi, I'm Addy. What's your name? About me: I'm a millennial. And it's a rat race to in the millennial's world right now, with many crimes, new ideas, and a future that isn't crystal clear. To be able to face each new day, I believe friendships and unconditional support are a superpower. Us millennials can support one another by listening and including one another, loving on each other. Please, let's connect and grow stronger. ╰(*´︶`*)╯(´・ω・`)

I would love to do an art exchange with anyone. You draw me, I draw you! emotion_kirakira .Ask me for my samples, I have them ready
Thanks for reading.
I own a 3DS! 3DS My friend code: 3 4 9 7 - 5 2 9 2 - 2 0 5 8
Nickname: Mrs.Marley (My Mii looks like Bob Marley!✿) Do you play 3DS?

I like the idea of making Youtube music video mixtapes for people here on Gaia. Tailored toward what a person likes to listen to, and suggesting some tracks that might grow on you. Here are the Reviews: "Trust me, ShimmeringFox definitely gave a fox about making this mixtape"- Yuttarach Chan.
& The next thing, you'll never guess. Well, I am offering couple's astrology readings gaia_sakura gaia_sakura :
Using you and your crush's birthdays I look up both astrological charts. Or, it can be for you and a friend. You can learn about how you may understand the other person, if you are wondering. It's speculative but always insightful. -Addy, Spring 2019

Gaia Inflation: THE MOVIE


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Yuttarach Chan