My real name is Jasmine Nicole Natasha Simone Anisha Janice Sueford Day. (for realz)I go to ferndale High School
I live in Detroit MI
I have a puppy named Shinobi
I live with my mom and old (jerk) sister
I have a boyfriend named Neil
My best friends name is Carol ^^
Im about 5'5
and my weight.....I'll never tell!!!!
Tho I can tell you my body type is average.
I love to randomly say chicken.....
Or randomly say "just like your face" to any comment....dont ask.
Im extremely weird.....>.<
In real life I have black hair and blonde bangs =3
And I LOOOOOOOVE anime!!!!
........especially DEATHNOTE!!
Now you know about Jasmine...yay for you =)
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