Shia La boeuf

Shia La boeuf's avatar

Last Login: 11/27/2020 12:50 pm

Registered: 12/31/2007

Gender: Male

Birthday: 10/21


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Don't let your dreams be dreams


There's a Jewish actor called Shia le beouf who acts for films. In cause you don't know, he is a award winning Actor and motivational speaker and does fine line in unashamed nonchalance, dealing in deft touches and delicate lay-offs, unlocking the motivation with what the Germans refer to as the 'Fingerspitzenzengefuhl'. Translated it means the 'sandpapered-figertip sesitivity of a safecracker'.

Thing is, Shia and his fingersptzenfefuhl are not appreciated over here. If anything, he's deemed a dissapointment among armchair pundits, his laconic style appearing to lose itself in a game that often resembles a cartoon brawl, a Beano-esque cloud of dust with assorted fists, feet and expletives jutting out from its various angles.

Because Lager, like Shia, is misunderstood: it's elegance as a beer style undervalued and rarely lauded in a nation where, historically, the beery battle lines between ale and lager are contemporary craft brewing culture champions thickly-hopped ales that bludgeon your tastebuds with a flavour rather than beers that deftly dovetail refinement and refreshment.


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King Scaphism Report | 09/09/2015 1:04 pm
King Scaphism
cool avi
nav16 Report | 08/28/2015 4:29 am
Used Chopsticks Report | 08/25/2015 1:03 pm
Used Chopsticks
Don't let your dreams be dreams, come back to my shop and buy more stuff. JUST! DO! IT!
Shia La boeuf Report | 08/24/2015 1:08 pm
Shia La boeuf
goddamnit John i'm getting tired of this crap
Super Hot Firee Report | 08/24/2015 1:06 pm
Super Hot Firee
Super Hot Firee Report | 08/24/2015 1:05 pm
Super Hot Firee
I broke up with ma ex girl, here's her number: 07563198882
Super Hot Firee Report | 08/24/2015 12:52 pm
Super Hot Firee
Not too much *****
noir glace Report | 08/22/2015 12:30 pm
noir glace
LOL! xd
I r o s e t t e I Report | 08/21/2015 2:53 pm
I r o s e t t e I
Your 'About Me' killed me! xD
Omg, everything about your profile is the best.
MicrosoftPowerPoint Report | 05/17/2014 8:57 pm
Thanks for the buy