Friend Requests
I don't accept random requests. I'll send a request to you, if we've talked before or talk regularly or I know you away from Gaia. C:
Accelerate it, I want it. <3
Name: Nana or Kai

(I'm click-able!)
WHO I AM:Things I love:
* Zombies and scary Vampires
* Cold weather and the dark
* The smell after it rains, and rainbows are pretty sweet.
* Photography, drawing, music, artsy farsty things.
* The word ******** & other various swear words.
12I use them a lot.
* Pink is a good color, especially for my hair.
* Coconut Pocky & Mounds.
* Writing. In fact, I am an inspiring writer. <3
* Homestuck. I am a huge Homestuck.
Things I am indifferent to:
* Horror movies
* Boys
* Pants
* Tiny children
Things I loathe:
* Posers and/or stereotypes
* Homophobes
* The sun & all of it's skin cancer causing goodness.
* green beans
* Most Country and Rap music
* Writers block
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