***READ THIS***04-20-15Hey Gaia friends! its been been 1yr and 8mons since the last time I updated my about me and what not! A lot has changed and most of it has been good changes! First off I broke up with that horrible bf i had which i called "my lover." And now I am dating my best friend! Crazy how I thought I would never end up with him but here we are.. together for 15months and make 16 tomorrow!
heart I finish school next week and that will be a wrap for my 2nd year in college! I must say i hate school but I know its something I must complete to be successful
confused I still am doing bowling and my bowling career has gotten me noticed by some of the top schools in the nation! We shall see what school I decide to go to in the Fall of 2015! I hope you all are doing well Gaia! Until next time! Be safe guys!
my busy life
my life is busy now since im 8th grade and now that its the end of 08..so many things to do...and so many things to improve but so little time!!!
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