D: you sure went into a lot of trouble to explain, personally, i find your constructive crits very nice...very, very nice indeed and i like how you finished even if your internet hates you.
some people who talk about your art on there seem to just make fun of it ^^; either that or they comment after a bad day of work or something xD
but what you said was very true, and also very helpful :')
so thank you so much and I'm really glad you found my art worth looking at/ helping with/ even commenting on~<3
so again, thank you so much ;^;
Please quote to make me answer, I'm still bad at replying though >.< heart
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some people who talk about your art on there seem to just make fun of it ^^; either that or they comment after a bad day of work or something xD
but what you said was very true, and also very helpful :')
so thank you so much and I'm really glad you found my art worth looking at/ helping with/ even commenting on~<3
so again, thank you so much ;^;