Seven <3

Seven_Yakuza's avatar

Birthday: 10/31

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My name is Seven. I'm16 years old. Come talk to me ,im a very nice innocent little girl ;D

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Letting Gogh Report | 12/22/2010 10:18 am
Letting Gogh
Olah o.o
A Rabid Cupcake Report | 07/08/2010 12:44 am
A Rabid Cupcake
oh haha
why thank ya xD

its kind of a transition avi, im saving up for one i really want right now
Exorcist Suki Okumura Report | 07/04/2010 12:57 pm
Exorcist Suki Okumura
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
copy/paste this to 10 profiles and log off then log in and check your money and you'll get 100,000 it really works
A Rabid Cupcake Report | 06/18/2010 3:58 pm
A Rabid Cupcake
i miss you too haha
my family and i are driving across the country atm
started in cali and we're headed to florida
at the halfway point now in texas xD
A Rabid Cupcake Report | 06/16/2010 12:03 am
A Rabid Cupcake
awe haha cus math is blehhhh
but good job with everything else xD
i know how stressful it must have been for ya
A Rabid Cupcake Report | 06/15/2010 2:35 pm
A Rabid Cupcake
Letting Gogh Report | 06/08/2010 12:12 pm
Letting Gogh
Hi Seven! ^D^
A Rabid Cupcake Report | 05/24/2010 7:24 pm
A Rabid Cupcake
oh haha its cool
good luck with finals! (if you have them)

ive been busy too, im have nothing until wed which is when i take my last final and then im all done! xD
A Rabid Cupcake Report | 05/23/2010 11:38 am
A Rabid Cupcake
havent talked to you in the awhile
what the heck crying
A Rabid Cupcake Report | 05/18/2010 7:59 pm
A Rabid Cupcake
where are youuu
there are so many ppl to mess with, crews to corrupt!! crying
haha xD



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