
You are an Innocent Uke!
Cute and sweet, and most gentle of all uke, whips and chains are not for you - you just want someone to love you. You are often spotted in candy shops wearing furry kitty ears, where you are sure to be noticed by the Romantic Seme, whose protective instincts will kick in and will only want to take you home and love and protect you. And you, of course, will be more than happy to spend the rest of your life baking cookies for your seme.
Most compatible with: Romantic Seme
Least compatible with: Sadistic Seme, Don't ******** With Me Seme
What seme or uke are you? Take the experience at SemeUke.com, or find merchandise here.

You are an Opportunist Seme!
Preying on the clueless is what you're all about. You really don't intend to hurt anyone, but if a bit of harmless manipulation can get you what you want, you're not beyond taking a little advantage of someone, which you figure is an even exchange for your companionship anyway. Not one for lots of drama, you are best paired with the Clueless Uke, who will appreciate your attention and never bat an eye at your slightly sneaky ways.
Most compatible with: Clueless Uke, Innocent Uke
Least compatible with: Badass Uke
What seme or uke are you? Take the experience at SemeUke.com, or find merchandise here.
yeah.. i'm bisexual.. so what? deal with it bitches! >O

Those gaiaborn under Penna, the wing constellation, are usually among the kindest people you'd ever hope to meet, but are often easily distracted and spacey. They tend to be quiet and self reflective in private, sensitive you might say, but open, pleasant and brimming with energy when they're among friends. They are often extroverted people, and they tend to enjoy nice weather, parties and playing games outside, but due to their airheaddedness can often forget in the heat of the moment that there are limits and can often end up embarrassing themselves and causing a scene. In hostile situations, they can become very turbulent, either screaming and thrashing around, or curling up and weeping.
MY DREAM AVI biggrin

my kinda guy :O

RANDOM AVATARS YAY!!! (( i have made all of these by hand if you want any please pm me and we can talk O_o or you could do it yourself lol))

blue and gold themed one

black and red themed one

purple themed one

green and white themed one

inari's beads- kitsune no yoake's master

inari's beads-kitsune no yugure

inari's beads- kitsune no yuki

yama no tamago- yama no tamago's master

alruna's rose- alruna's master

white drome egg- drome tribe master

trick or treat tote- happy trick or treater

death whisper- death god

biancamella- dreamy prince (( gay prince is more like it XD ))

dander-couldn't think of a catchy title so i shall call him bob!

dandiidoodad spore- king of all spores

kelp o' th' loch- half centaur of the loch (( because he has only 2 horse legs XD))

dionaesil- king of all fly traps

the experiment- it took over bob.... now bob looks like this..

picolitrosso's urn- the king of picolitrosso ((and yes its human lol ))

enchanted book- prince charming

fallen wish- man from the stars... or moon...

padmavati's lotus- lotus god

hermes moon- hermes' caretaker

furugasa- fire king

random killer guy named sessmaru... coincidence? i think not!!

reindeer centaur person horse.. thing.. XD

reve rouille samurai

the nightmare spider

kakashi hatake heart

cloud strife heart

genesis akamada's fourth and final demonic form.. the angel of death himself
woot third form goes here XD

genesis akamada's second demonic form
woot first form goes here XD

ryuzaki sekasu- the main character in an rp i thoug up long ago.. he is an angel demon sent down from heaven to find ishiro and destroy him. when he got sent down he found his true love. he has to choose between being an angel, defeating ishiro and having eternal life or living on earth with his true love and being happy for the fest of his life.

kisame sozaimu- a female who one day ran away from her parents only to get kidnapped and raped. when she awoke she was under a tree in these stunning white and gold clothes. guards came and took her to their queen, yukaru, who told her that she was the legendary hero that was to save THEIR world. she found a sword that could turn her into a full fledged demon. that world had developed serums that if you drank them you would turn into that species. like a shot of whiskey, but not a pleasant. her favorite form is the elf form. and in her adventures she finds a nomad centaur herd willing to help her on her journey. she falls in love with their leader, yuna ichisaro. they become very close and one night leanne convinces yuna to turn into human for a little while.((yuna always stays in centaur form its the law of the herd)) kisame takes yuna to a lake and....they get very passionate with each other... when they returned the next day a battle had broken out across the country in another kingdom. kisame and the herd of centaurs had to get there, because kisame later found out that she was the legendary hero only because she was the one who defeated ishikawa inuzuka. on her way there she met a man named obito. she started to like obito, and yuna had noticed. would their one night of passion for each other be soiled by this.. hume? XD thats all i've come up with for this one...

yuna ichisaro-leader of the nomad centaur herd, secret lover of kisame.

obito- a young man full of wonder and spunk. he joins leanne on her quest to kill ishikawa, and finally get revenge for him killing his whole town. the only reason that he wasnt killed is that he's part demon, and ishikawa spares demons, thinking that they will seek him out for more power.

ishikawa inuzuka- "the angel of death" as every one calls him. he has killed countless people to gain their souls as use for his demonic powers. he has two black wings with red circles in the middle that shoot out from his back. they eat away at his life force, forcing him to kill other people to replace his. he thinks of himselfs as a gentleman. no one knows where he came from, or what his purposes are, but every one is terrified of "death"..

genesis-he grew up in the war obsessed city of alfura. he trained in the military there for 14 years, every day getting either molested or raped by a higher ranking officer. they thought it was a game.. after that genesis quit the military was highly known for his murdering of the commander and generals that kept raping and molesting him. they were supposidely "unbeatable", but look where they ended up.
genesis carries around a katana that can channel his aura into a physical attack. he is an angel demon,and is currently in love with a pacifist names reks, who is very timid, but very sweet and kind. if the time comes, he will protect reks with his life.

yaru ishida- he's a 35 year old inn keeper that was exiled from his city when he was little because he was born with a rare disease that dissolves his pupils at birth. he can still see, and he loves taking care of his inn. one night he found a young man lying in the forest, he took him in, and hopes they can become friends.

sessmaru- a member of the band Fighting Dreamers. her and her band play at the bar Saki every night. her performances can get very energetic and intamate with her bandmate and lover, Kira. her other band members Ko Haku and Light are gay and dating. the last member is gackt. all of them met at Saki. before sessmaru became a member of fighting dreamers, she was wandering around the state searching for her rapist and ex-lover, Suzuma. suzuma raped her and left her to die in an alley. since sessmaru found kira, her hatrted for suzuma has completely vanished.



heart GACKT heart


its true deal with it




yes.. :3

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I love your avie~!