Hello, whoever you are. :]
I'm bluebluedaisygirl Sericate, but you can just call me Blue.
Well, since you're here, you probably want to know a little bit about me...
L i k e s :♥ My BFF's (
Infected Pants &
Me- Silly Me)
♥ Gaia, of course
♥ Romantic-comedy movies
♥ The computer
♥ Rain and gloomy weather
♥ The color blue
♥ Listening to music
♥ Watching movies
♥ Singing
♥ Dancing
♥ Cute things
♥ Sushi
D i s l i k e s : ⊗ Bugs and Spiders
⊗ Hot weather
⊗ Homework and Projects
⊗ Rude People
F a v o r i t e s :
Movies: The Diary of a Mad Black Woman, Up, Titanic, Zoolander, Mr.Deeds, Yes Man, Legally Blonde, You, Me and Dupree, Elf, Something's Gotta Give, 50 First Dates, The Last Holiday, My Best Friends Wedding, The Holiday, The Parent Trap, The School of Rock, Miss Congeniality, Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous, Grease, The Pacifier, Hitch, Monster-In-Law, Meet the Parents, Meet the Fockers
TV Shows: The King of Queens, Spongebob, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Conan
Hobbies/Interests: Dancing, Singing, Reading good books, Photography, Cooking, Running, Sleeping, Writing, Day Dreaming, Drawing, Crafts, Music, Shopping, Acting
Please enjoy this Poem that my good friend Me- Silly Me wrote for me:
(Thank you!!! heart heart )
Pretty blue daisies in a field
Pretty young girls dressed in teal
One stops and glances down at the flowers
Admiring the Earth's beautiful powers
Picking one up, she places in her hair
And off the girls go, to a nearby fair
Along the way they meet a lad named Earl
Who politely compliments the blue daisy girl
She blushes and thanks him, and back they walk
Giggling and flushing as they talk
Blue is the color they love the best,
But only the daisy girl sets apart from the rest
In her pretty teal dress and lacey white socks
Her little cream shoes push off of the rocks
And as her precious white fan does unfurl
She smiles slightly, the Blue Daisy Girl.
Art made by: MoreThenAir
Thanks so much! emotion_c8 [/align:e29e89a0cd][/size:e29e89a0cd][/b:e29e89a0cd]
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