Hello other Gaians. I'm Shelby.
A little about me: I love to draw anime, I'm weird, sarcastic, a great friend, a little on the crazy side, kind of spacy, and I get along with just about anyone. Also I absolutly love japanese music, and yes I'm American
xd .
My fav anime are fma, naruto, dn angel, fruits basket, oran high school club, yami no matsumei(aka desendents of darkness), blood , inuyasha,tactics, the devil may cry anime, one piece, noein, and tokko.
mrgreen My fav games are the devil may cry series, halo series, gears of war, final fantasy series, kingdom hearts 1 and 2, tales of symphonia, tales of the abyss, burnout series, dead or alive 4, children of mana, spyro shadow legacy, time splitters series. the elder scrolls oblivion, enchanted arms, pokemon series and more.
I also have these profiles
XBox Live: uchihagirl
FanArt Central (a.k.a. FAC) uchihagirl
Look me up if you want ^^Now its icon/picture time YAY!
Dis is Art by Cao!! She is freakin' awesome!!!! ^^
~I do some different art stuffs, if you want some ask me for more info~
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