Hmmm..an about me..Well there isn't anything special about me..Normal in all ways..I have my vices, like every other person on this planet. I don't claim to be evil nor am I an angel. Even though I say I am like everyone else, I like to believe I am different in some small way...I guess everyone wants that too.
I can be extremely boring. I can't entertain all the time. It ain't my thing..I have my beliefs..ones that I stand by very strongly and won't waver no matter what anyone says. Even as I say this I am a hypocrite to some extent, though I hate hypocrites. I guess I am a world of contradictions...Call me conflicted, call me confused...can't be helped..coz I am.....well -shrug-.. Me and I don't know to be anything else.
Welcome to the Madness
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