This is who I am
Hello!My name is Seiomi-chan! I am 18 years old and I live in Florida. I'm an artist in my own right; I paint, draw, design, and I'm also in to photography and body mods. Currently, I have 8 piercings and 2 tattoos and I'm planning on getting many more. Probably more tattoos than anything. To me, I think, the most important thing to me is my friends. If I didnt have them, I wouldn't have anything. They are the jelly to my peanut-butter and I wouldn't have it any other way. I have a boyfriend and we've been together for a while now and I love him with everything that I am. I've never been really good at writing these kinds of things. I never really know what to say. I guess all you really need to know is that I'm a huge dork, I love music, and my friends are important to me. I have hazel eyes that change colors with the day, I'm curvy and I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm very insecure at times but then I realize that I am beautiful and that I don't have to change for any one. So if you did read all that and you are interested in talking to me send me a message! I love making friends :]
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your eyes are craaaazy! piercingly intense AND soft as clouds all at once :}
saw your gorgeous pic and it lured me here ^.^
curvy is heart