Hey people visiting my profile my username is secret puppy_12.You can call me secret puppy or just by my name Chelsey.hope yall like my profile!!!!I love to read alot!!!!!!!!!!!i am very nice and peaceful when you don't make me mad.i am very short tempered and i hate it when people fight.i have very sensitive feelings so when people yell at me i will cry my eyeballs out.i am very quiet around people i just meet.....so don't think i'm mad........when it comes around to a friend needing someone to talk or needing advice i'm a great listener.also when i get very annoyed to people stopping in the middle of the road i get road rage...sometimes.
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andd im a figuree skater......
Myy moms never homee butt whenn she is its bullcrap shee keeps tellingg mee i needd too doo thiss andd thiss andd shee getss madd andd yells a lott andd......yah