Here I am, yet again, to promise dreams of disaster, visions of hope, and battle that will take place in the very essence of your soul. Venture with me into the chasms of the mind, to enjoy the beauty of thought, and language.

Thanks Veria for going to the prom with me
Rhythm Emotion
By: Two Mix
Gundam Wing Opening Theme
I Just feel the "Rhythm Emotion"
the beat of my heart
reaches out to you, so far away.
It's OK if I get hurt
I want to live passionately and intensely
without turning my eyes away.
Because it was you who gave me the strength
to never give up, I want to embrace you.
I just feel the "Rhythm Emotion"
Mistakes and pain
lead us to a brilliant, momentary light.
I just feel, the "Rhythm Emotion"
The beat of my heart
reaches out to you, so far away.
Yeah...Lithely accepting the moment
with my bare skin
I want to find more "gentleness!"
Take back the miracle of your youth
when everything shined.
I just feel the "Rhythm Emotion"
I believe in the kindness
of feeling and understanding other's heartbreak
I just feel the "Rhythm Emotion"
With this kiss, I want to
show a definite passion to you, so far away...
I just feel the "Rhythm Emotion"
Mistakes and pain
lead us to a brilliant, momentary light.
I just feel the "Rhythm Emotion"
The beat of my heart
reaches out to you, so far away.
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