
Just your not-so-average Midwestern college kid. (:


Viewing 12 of 19 friends


Innocence Is Bliss

Just a collection of random thoughts, arts, pictures, etc.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

iPrecious Panda

Report | 12/04/2009 9:09 pm

iPrecious Panda

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I really hope the prices don't stay that high because after I get my "Horns of the Demon" I wanna save up for the "steal-plated headband" and a few other items.

The holidays are coming up fast because the days are flying by hecka fast. oO
iPrecious Panda

Report | 12/03/2009 7:21 pm

iPrecious Panda

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Yeah it really is.
But Gah! I am little upset with how high the prices are... Maybe they're sky high due to the coming Holiday?
iPrecious Panda

Report | 12/01/2009 8:17 pm

iPrecious Panda

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Yeah that happens.
Com to think of it. If I am correct, I believe the last time I've talked you were speaking of how much you were busying with school and whatnot.
I've left Gaia a couple of times and came back. In fact, recently I left about five mouths back. xD

I thought you left Gaia for good so I ended up removing you... (re-adds)
iPrecious Panda

Report | 12/01/2009 8:31 am

iPrecious Panda

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Haha! It's all right.
So were you like quitting Gaia?

That's what I feel like doing but I can't.... too addicted.
iPrecious Panda

Report | 02/22/2009 10:09 pm

iPrecious Panda

Hey Fluff.

I'm back and I changed my name (( Old name ~.~Sexy Valentine~.~))

You probably don't remember me though.

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Report | 08/06/2008 9:58 am


really....hey i got my hair cut its like to my shoulders now its so cute lookin lol....hey what do u want me to get u for u birthday?

Report | 08/02/2008 9:07 am


dude! long time no talking and seee everybody misses u tiffany ooo cant wait to see u and joel =)

Report | 07/07/2008 1:23 pm


Uh huh sure thats what they all say lol anyway i have been good i cant complain

Report | 07/07/2008 1:15 pm


fluff your ignoreing my comments ;_; hiii

Report | 07/02/2008 9:15 am


Hey there its been a while how have you been ^^