
Samt03's avatar

Last Login: 12/21/2018 3:23 pm

Registered: 03/10/2007

Gender: Female

Location: Middle of no where

Occupation: Seamstress ^.^

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I make stuff like this.
Sweet & Gothic Lolita & cosplay stuffs.

~*Elder Vampire*~

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From the day I was born till the day I die, the only side I'm on is my own.

Let me rest, let me heal, give me time to just be. A little time, a little more, simply here, resting. Watch, wait, and just see, I'll be back. Then, just then, will you all really see the real me.

Then life happens.
Was a site mod: June 2008-July 2013

I quit modding because of this. Seems to be a really good reason to me. If I can't be in heaven, I may as well make my own here.

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Princess-Orphelia Report | 01/01/2016 12:40 am
That's good.. Wow, you're doing quite a lot. .The last time we spoke you were buying some animals.. You've got them now right?
Princess-Orphelia Report | 12/27/2015 4:05 pm
Yeah it's not like how it used to be. I came back to host a Xmas event with Tori, but noticed that we get 10 announcements per day.. like WTF? .. gonk Prices have gone up, people lose interest and move into other things. Sometimes these things have to happen. I'm glad that you've got a paid job though.. That's good stuff. .Still living in Virginia?
Princess-Orphelia Report | 12/27/2015 3:31 pm
So you're not longer on Gaia much these days either uh? It's not as fun like before and all the old friends we once had are gone too! I didn't know you were working.. What are you working ? That's okay about giving pressies late, nothing wrong with that.. At least people get to enjoy something after Xmas .. biggrin
Princess-Orphelia Report | 12/27/2015 2:59 pm
Hello Sam,
Its lovely to see you again. I've just come myself, been off for almost a year from here.. I haven't been doing any Xmas cards this year, not sure why but haven't.. sorry about that lovey.. sweatdrop How are things going with you, what's been happening?
Princess-Orphelia Report | 02/12/2015 9:45 pm
Yup, I'm the same as you. Gaia is boring for me too, it's changed and I don't like where it heading..I noticed a lot of friends are slowly leaving, such a shame, that this was once a great place to hang out and not ..not so much..
I've had fun, doing other things.. I just came back from Las Vegas, loved it, best experience ever.. I'm hopefully going to go again next year.. Gotta save more money, it was an expensive

I sent you one too, not sure if you got mine though.. It was sent in about mid December.. Stupid post offices..
Princess-Orphelia Report | 01/28/2015 9:25 pm
Hi Sam,
Haven't seen you or spoken to you for months.. Yeah I haven't been active on Gaia since about July last year. Just don't like it anymore. Not like it used to be.. So i don't blame you also for not being around.. Yeah I shall have to log into Dimension from time to say hi to everyone. I shall however, from time to time, log into here, just to see friends etc.. stressed
OMGWTFMichael Report | 09/22/2014 8:17 pm
Honestly, Pure boredom! Im confused on the market place though.
Huge increase on prices. Gold seems to be valued less.
OMGWTFMichael Report | 09/20/2014 6:22 pm
I just got on for a tad! I didn't forget you! Actually i looked at your page before i did anything :p
How have you been?! whats new?
When an Empire Falls Report | 08/07/2014 11:49 pm
When an Empire Falls
Thank you for your purchase^^
JadeRabbitEmperor Report | 07/29/2014 6:33 pm
huh this i did not know O_O


Last Change: 1093 days (and how long ago I was really active on the site)
Gaia Age: 3654 days

-back for zOMG-

I remain as I have always been, eternally yours, your sword and your shield.


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