Meh heh heh! I am secretly taking over the world under your noses! Avoid the little black dots floating around your homes.... They are concentrated evil. Dometimes they come out when you take a shiz on the tiolet especially if your sadistic. Then all you do is poops them out... Grossing you out am I? Boredomn does strange things..... Waiting for Raynora to rescue me from my home today..... o bored here. Locked myself in the basement aint coming out for a bit. Mega panic room going on....
Rawr! I shall devour your flesh! I shall drink your soul, Kill the heart, Eat your corpse... Shizzit... i'm just not scarey anymore! WHATS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE! !@#$ while I'm out scaring hey. Paul this is a back up on Sevio's part... $#@! off! As to answer your question. lets triple the $#@! off part...
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