Hai I'm Sam!!!Birthday: September 21
Age: You don't need to know
Location: Under your bed LOL JK
Favorite Colors: Purple and Orange
Social Status: Single <3
Favorite Store: Hollister
Favorite Movie: Alice in Wonderland 2010 Version
Favorite Show: Glee
Loves: Fuzzy things, warm things, pretty things
Hates: Girls who are snobs, guys that cheat, backstabbers O_O
When I grow up, I want to be: A prosectuer (court lawyer)
Guys who I think are hot: Justin Bieber, Enrique Iglesias, Anthony Padilla, Fred from Youtube
Guys who I think are ugly: JONAS BROTHERS
Twilight Team: Edward
Favorite Singers: Justin Bieber, Jonas Brothers, Ke$ha
Both girls and boys, please read those long captions. They are so sweet and I want you to read them.
"I'm pretty, but I'm not beautiful. I sin, but I'm not the Devil. I'm good but I'm no Angel."
-Marilyn Monroe

I adopted a chibi!
Name: Samara
Doesn't Like: Party poopers
Owner: Sam the Cupcake Queen
You can adopt one, too!!
Chibi Adoption
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