

Salt-Encrusted-Servitude's avatar

Last Login: 06/24/2012 8:24 pm

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Details of my insanity

Hey everyone! My name s Sam. I'm twenty almost twenty-one and I am a Australian.

-I love my music , art, and anime(almost ALL of them).

-I'm at uni doing my batchelor of arts/secondary teaching (when I finally get through it I'm going to be a history/english teacher).

-I play the guitar (self taught) & sing.

-I'm a huge fan of the performing arts in all forms and have been in a few shows here and there, I also do a lot of work with stage makeup and love it.

-I garden (a lot) because I love to cook with fresh produce, and there are few greater joys in life then getting your hands dirty and getting a good result.

-Addicted to tea and tea pots, top hats, and gloves... My collection of each is starting to get a wee bit out of control.

-I am also a nerd. I RP on at least a twice weekly basis and also GM quite a few different systems. Ask me about playing DnD 4th edition and I may have to ask you to leave otherwise I am more then willing to try running a play by post somewhere.

Donations are lovely and donators are always welcome.


Anon: Outlaw shirt

amunhotep: 8000 gold heart

I r i d e s c e n t L0VE: 3000 gold heart

I love to get PM's and comments so go for your life.


View Journal

Sams Insane Daily Drain

Writes down the days events in the most interesting way possible... Also may start writing the most random of all things (that includes so weird and wonderful stories, quotes and poetry), I might also have a b***h about things so be warned


View All Comments

la petite mignonne Report | 05/27/2012 3:48 pm
la petite mignonne
Thank you so much, I truly appreciate it emotion_bigheart

II_iMuddy_II Report | 05/22/2012 5:30 pm
Any part really. I'm all really interested.
yellow06 Report | 05/08/2012 12:39 am
cute avi
Le Petit Moineau Report | 05/05/2012 3:28 am
Le Petit Moineau
Ahaha, thank you~! whee
pam_pam Report | 05/03/2012 9:15 pm
I like ur avie and profile too Hehehe
ty so much. later stranger. 3nodding
pam_pam Report | 05/02/2012 3:37 pm
xXAlmost EpicXx Report | 04/26/2012 9:13 pm
xXAlmost EpicXx
thanks and your avatar look great too but this avatar i have now is my favorite
Sasori-4-Ever Report | 04/26/2012 2:30 am
Really?? =O Hell yeah! I'm really hyped about that =D Can't wait to see it. But I hope it doesn't turn into as big a disappointment as 4th ed x_X I'm going to be so horribly disappointed if it does D:
I'm hoping for a good improvement of 3.5 =)
Sasori-4-Ever Report | 04/25/2012 11:13 pm
Really? I'd be very interested in joining an online session =)
Ahaha! XD We always prefer to PF as 3.75 too! Couldn't agree with you more =D 4th edition was such a disappointment )= Horrible I tell you! DX
Sasori-4-Ever Report | 04/25/2012 1:52 pm
Thank you =) I'm quite fond of this look.
I have to say that I'm a hardcore 3.5 player heart I have played a bit of Pathfinder and while the system appeals to me none of my friends play it D:
I'd like to try out more of Pathfinder though. It seems interesting 3nodding I just need someone to DM a session x_x I'm playing with some friends on Skype but sadly it's very irregular )=