Hahaha aww man that sucks.... Well.. I have a big research paper due when i get back to school which is tuesday...And i haven't even looked at it yet... Teehee 8P
That's too many males in one household XD Hahahah aw man...That's fine though. Being a tomboy is way more fun and way more easy to do XD Your mother would be so disappointed in me biggrin
UHHH YEE-YUH You have!
Oi, dudes! Wazzup? My name is Arianna (or what I call my self). I'm almost 13 you could say. I love reading manga and watching anime. Let's add that my skills are drawing and writing. Got drawing from my dad, and writing from my mom. (Unnecessary info!) Anyways, I'm weird and I may get hyper at times. I'm also a lazy bum sometimes. ALL THE TIME. Then again, I may get hyper and act like a fricken' fool and get run over by a car. AND I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE COOOKIEZ!!!! Stupid me! I LOOOVVVVE YAOI!! My favourite colours are Black n' Purple.
It's the awesomest episode you will have ever seen! Give me a high five if you think that Kashino and Ichigo will be together. xp
(I also asked this question here in Gaia and someone told me about it. She said that the anime will be on hiatus because the director must be waiting for the Shimon arc to be finished. She also said that they already found new OP and ED for the next season . I read the blog of the seiyuu of Gokudera and she said that the anime is on hiatus until the manga is further ahead of the anime. KHR will come back on April 3. This time, the title is renewed as 'Hitman Reborn X Generation'. I also saw that somewhere.) (I copied this info from who told me about it.)
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You can despise the light, but you cannot despise the cold. If you can't love yourself, you can't love other people. "Shutup you morons!"-VICTOR NIGUEL "Everything's slowing down...I did it again!"-DEREK STILES "So...how do I use you?"-Gabriel Cunningham
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Sooooooo what's up and stuff?? : P
UHHH YEE-YUH You have!