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my hunt for...

Saito Saix

Saito Saix's avatar

Last Login: 06/29/2024 4:08 pm

Registered: 01/26/2007

Gender: Male

Location: Wandering...

Words Left Behind...

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oO_iM YoUR mINx_Oo Report | 09/01/2012 9:49 pm
oO_iM YoUR mINx_Oo
Paranormal Investigating huh? Hope you see some cool s**t...thank god I'm not there. I would be freaking the hell out. But that reminds me, I want to make a spoof of Ghost Adventures. I think it would be absolutely halarious. So many jokes to crack and so little time...

"Stop! Stop a jew."

Thanks babe. This has been a really long time coming...and who knows? Maybe things will start looking up. I really want to take a cross-country roadtrip. I need a vacation desperately. And maybe when I get some money saved up I'll roll through where you reside. Meh, haven't decided exactly where I'm going yet. I'd really like to go to Orlando...but it would have to be during the off season.'ll take forever for me to save up the money. But yeah, that's the plan. I'm just hoping that this job won't conflict with my internship in October. Getting paid to work at Disneyland. Hell yeah, like a boss. cool (<< clearly, that's my boss face.)

And hey, sounds like you've finally got your feet under you. Good to hear, honestly. Life seems to finally be cutting us some slack =/
Dawn Akemi Hikari Report | 08/31/2012 1:23 pm
Dawn Akemi Hikari
What do you mean?
oO_iM YoUR mINx_Oo Report | 08/31/2012 10:23 am
oO_iM YoUR mINx_Oo
Oh my god you're gonna go to school too?! It's like I've suddenly been inducted into this whole new world of...well...intelligence. For lack of a better word. The education is a million times better when you're actually paying for it, or so I've come to find. Working huh?'re one of the lucky ones in that sense. I have an interview today though that looks...very promising. Data entry, and they would be paying me bank so...I'm really hoping it works out. I need to move out on my own. My living situation is s**t right now. Been living with a friend because my mom and I just don't work well together under one roof, and her dad absolutely hates me for no apparent reason what so ever.

And day just got a whole lot better ^-^ Hearing from you tends to that.

Ahhhh...facebook. I have one...never on it. I mean...ever. Personally, it's because I truly couldn't care less about the people on my friend's list...and I don't really want them to know about my personal life either.

As far as the phone, if I don't reply it's because my new one hasn't come yet. It clocked out like almost two weeks ago and I'm still waiting for my new one to be delivered. Hopefully I'll get it tonight...I feel really out of touch without it.

...don't even get me started on dirty thoughts...seriously. It's like...a constant plague. So I feel your pain.
Tesugare Ryuu Report | 08/31/2012 7:59 am
Tesugare Ryuu
b***h a** you try actually being homeless
oO_iM YoUR mINx_Oo Report | 08/30/2012 1:45 pm
oO_iM YoUR mINx_Oo
Hey I meant to send you a message last night but jesus things have been really crazy lately I must have...forgotten...or fallen asleep before I got the chance. Woke up this morning with all my books and s**t still on my bed. God damn this... pursuing my future thing. I cannot even remember a time that I was this tired all the time. But, on the bright side I like most of my professors. My math teacher is a total douche bag but eh. Only have to be in that class two days out of the week anyway. And for only 14 more weeks, I'll probably live. :3

But...I miss you. Think about you all the time...constantly. Especially recently. Things have been really difficult lately. I fully understand the meaning of poor college student now. And for some reason, everyday that I push through class I think about the hardship I'm facing right now it always relates back to you somehow. I guess it's nice to have one peaceful thought in a sea of other... catastrophic ones.

Yeah, my numbers the same...can't wait to get a message from you. Seriously. What's been up with you lately?

Tesugare Ryuu Report | 08/30/2012 7:42 am
Tesugare Ryuu
i will try and i actually messaged you yesterday while you were online

hard part is that i have no way up there or i would DX
Tesugare Ryuu Report | 08/29/2012 3:18 pm
Tesugare Ryuu
Yo b***h XD
oO_iM YoUR mINx_Oo Report | 08/24/2012 11:48 am
oO_iM YoUR mINx_Oo
It's all about balance my dear. I happen to be a very impulsive person, especially when it comes to speaking my mind. I find that the things I feel for you are best written out freely, because there isn't really a word to put to them. Love just doesn't seem... sufficient.

Gosh that sounded so will be the death of me. I swear. Although I do have to say that walking around with thousands of strangers makes you feel very...very small and invisible. I really love the feeling of looking around and not recognizing a single face. It's like I've been reborn from the ashes.

P(dot)S: I love you too baby ninja heart
oO_iM YoUR mINx_Oo Report | 08/20/2012 9:19 pm
oO_iM YoUR mINx_Oo
Of course I know what you mean. I feel the same way. Honestly, I try not to think about it too much because it hurts. But life for us both seems to have gotten in the way, and it's like it's the same things that continue to keep us apart. Although these problems will never simply disappear, I intend to find a way around them because I cannot possibly imagine a life without you. That's the truth, and despite what I want I'm willing to settle for the things that I can contact is better than none at all. I'm sorry if I was ever a pain in the a** about the "limited" part of limited contact. But I miss you so bad...and all it takes is one message from you to brighten my day. I just wish that I could have that happiness...more.

But I fully believe that's just my selfishness speaking. There will come a day...hopefully...when communication will be the least of our worries.
oO_iM YoUR mINx_Oo Report | 08/18/2012 6:26 pm
oO_iM YoUR mINx_Oo
Aww sorry sweets. sad sounds rough...


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