Birthday: 07/15
My Current Quests:
Adventures of sailor boy heart
chee!!!! finally got my fallen wish!!! Now to my dream avi lol...
my new dream avi!!! 3nodding
Thank you to everyone! This would not be possible without you!
Item List:
Picolitrosso's Urn
Captain Ara's Nestegg 4th Gen.
Captain Ara's Nestegg 5th Gen.
Gift of the Colibri
Seracila Pendant 13th Gen.
Blue Bohemian Dress
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I need money too. o;
I'll just ask my mom. lool.[/size[
The rain ruined my plans, i was going to go to the carnival today. ;P
You've heard of the carnival right?
Are you planning to go or have you already went? c: