Things i like: ok the things i like are music, the computer,food and anime!! my favorite band is erm...... um..... um....... i know!! wait...... its um... well its a band i can tell u that. xd my favorite computer is um... well mine. xp the animes i like are naruto, moribito, tsubasa and yes of course my favorite is death note xd I sorta go to the library offen and get books. i watch anime on t.v and on my computer,lol i love food noodles are my fav and not that krappy cup of noodles or top raman. (watev u wana call it) xdninjiea razz
Total Value: 3,090,008 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Elemental Wings
Alruna's Rose 3rd Gen
Ancient Katana
Ancient Katana
Coal Gunner Coat
Shadow Spirit
Chyaku Norisu Scarf
Vampire Hunter Hat
Panda Hoodie
Steel-plated Ninja Band
Silent Night
Those Black 90s Pants
aww so close to this avi i need about 20k every donation counts xd Thanks
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