Kingdom Hearts

Welcome to Span's Profile!

Name: Span
Age: 18
Species: Homo Sapien Aggius
Favorite color: Lime Green
Favorite drink: Green Tea
Favorite iPod: Touch~

Span ish a Graduate
Span ish a Girl
Span ish an A Student
Span is going to be a Vet~
Span loves Plushies
Span plays KHII instead of doing work
Span is lazy as hell
Span procrastinates about procrastinating
Span loves to sleep
Span hates rude people
Span loves fruit, PAUPU 8D
Span loves Disney, FYI
Span is an Aggie

10 Weird Facts:

1. Span's left foot is bigger than her right
2. She's allergic to herself (...don't ask)
3. Uses 1/3 of her bed for sleeping. Rest are plushies
4. Sleeps with 6 pillows
5. Best buddies are either older or younger
6. Went from Girly, to Preppy, to Tomboy, to 1/2 goth, to 1/2 Girly
7. Already in College
8. Single (BUT LOVES TEPH)
9. Always wanted 2 different colored eyes
10. Span can't think of a 10th fact