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Member Since 07.07 '07 ❤
Break the ice, I'm shy.

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♚ The Name is Samantha♚
♥ I'm 26 years young,
✯ Mother to the most handsome baby ever. heart
ღ IG: _saammiieee
ツ People. >
✉ I love company. c:

Now Leave.


View All Comments

xojandro Report | 06/17/2023 10:08 am
WB !
smeli_meli Report | 03/11/2022 6:26 pm
Thanks for the purchase~
Fapkin Report | 09/25/2020 10:41 am
Omg I'm so sorry I had a bunch of stuff come up irl
and completely abandoned Gaia for a while. D;
Also, of course!! It's legit saved to every outfit,
I never leave home without it, as they say!~ ^u^ I love it so much. ♥♥
l cici l Report | 06/18/2020 4:04 pm
l cici l
Profile hoppin, and came across yours. You’re so pretty girl!! c:
Hahzard Report | 02/23/2019 1:41 pm
thanks for buying cutie blaugh
tilasexcattCR Report | 02/04/2019 10:52 am
ty for buying cat_4laugh emotion_bigheart
Fapkin Report | 01/03/2019 10:00 am
Your generosity made my day- the least I can do is pass it on,
and since I'm not worth much on Gaia then I might as well volunteer on my next few days off. ^u^
I needed a New Year's resolution anyways, so that'll probably be it! x3

Thank you omg.~ I had to put up the obligatory selfies 'cause why not, ya know? Lol. You're super pretty too! OuO
King of Dabs Report | 09/23/2018 12:15 pm
King of Dabs
Thank you very much for your purchase redface
ll shane ll Report | 08/30/2018 6:34 pm
ll shane ll
xd that's alright, nice to meet ya samantha!
ll shane ll Report | 08/24/2018 8:31 am
ll shane ll
i'm shane by the way heart what's your name?
S A M M l E E

we are twins