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Konnichi wa!!!! hougei!!!
This is where I'm suppose to say something about myself right? Well lets see well my nickname is rukekuu, I'm a eighteen year old artist who's pretty much getting started with the real world. Currently I'm still in highschool but soon that will be over lol. I'm going to be many things at least I want to be anyway. I want to be a music artist,novelist,dancer,anime designer,video game designer, model, manga artist basicly I want the rich and famous life you can say. I'm obsessed with japanese culture, I just love it no I'm not japanese but I guess that sort of thing happens with many. You find yourself intrested in someone elses culture then your own, probably because you want something diffrent in life. I do not like people who treat me like crap, or think that being sarcastic is funny personally I dont find that in any way worth my time. So if you think your going to be sarcastic and play silly little mind games you can think again. I will gladly ignore you anyway other then that I'm happy go jolly and try to bring the best out of people. So I'm done now bye bye sayonara, oh and one more thing my japanese isnt as great as I wish so dont ask me to teach you XD


Viewing 12 of 32 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 12/29/2008 8:41 pm


Dont forget to vote for in the guild contest!!!

Vote Here!!
Toxic Vampire Kitty

Report | 10/03/2008 9:21 pm

Toxic Vampire Kitty

Hi there, Thank you very much for buying from my store!

Report | 06/04/2008 6:46 pm


Well, for the few weeks after school and before A-Kon, Scottie-chan was preparing for A-Kon. And for the past few days, she's been recovering from A-Kon. xDD It was so amazing, it was awesome! I wish you could have been there. ;0; Ah, well. Now I'm getting some of my energy back, so I should be on more often. :3
Shadow wolf531

Report | 05/18/2008 7:06 pm

Shadow wolf531

User Image I liked the prom thanks for telling me about it. Did you sign the yearbook? I did YAYZ! Hope you had fun at the prom!

Report | 04/12/2008 2:07 pm


Yes, that is all that matters. LOL.

Report | 04/10/2008 9:56 am


Nice avi! ^^ L.U.V. I.T.!!!!!!

Report | 04/06/2008 10:00 pm


AHAH! So it was the different browsers. I finally tested my theory. The pink sparklies came back ^___^

Report | 04/06/2008 8:04 pm


I had a feeling it was just me, but I forgot to change browser windows again, so it's still not there. Haha.

Nothing really new's been going on. Same old. How about you?

Report | 04/05/2008 11:04 pm


Hmmm....maybe it's because I switch between using Internet Explorer and Firefox? So when I'm on one of those browsers I can't see them? Perhaps I should test this theory by trying the other browser...

Report | 04/05/2008 12:19 am


I don't see them anymore. They don't like me User Image


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