Still Ravenna, all the time... The invisible person. But seriously, it's interesting being me.
royalravenna (no autographs)
Birthday: 04/14
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Ravenna has a insane craving for sushi.
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I had a Gaia valentine this year! The only problem is that I don't know who he is, his username, or if he's a creepy stalker-hacker person. Oh well, I'll take what counts. ^.^'
Cheap, Shiny Stuff That Ravenna Likes But Doesn't Have Yet
I am who I think I am, unless I change my thinking about thinking about who I am, but to answer your question about if I'm thinking that I am who you think I am than you need to start thinking about who I am and then we need to think that I am the same person thinking. Otherwise, yes, I am who you think I am! Glad we cleared that up.
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