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my dream avi

This is my own written song(It doesn´t happened really by me good enough)

Maybe that special day will become true.(Written by me Dann)

(Part 1)
Every day I just wake up feels like the same.
And I just keep calling her name.
I don´t know what to do everyday
So that´s keep me sleeping everyday.
It´s just always so boring .
Cause I can´t see her.
That special girl I love.
Cause I have betrayed her heart.
She will never forgive me.
But maybe soon very soon,
She will forgive me
And I can feel that day that will be different from the others.
And she will come to my arms.

The only I want is you back to me.
Cause you are the only girl I love on earth.
I can´t live without you in my life.
So please come back to me.
That day will be my special day.

I will wake up with an good mind.
That will be more then only kind.
I will go to see her.
And i will hug her.
Just by sunset only.
Cause it will be perfect to me.
I hope this will be come true .
Maybe that special day will become true

(Part 2)
Now I´m lying on the ground.
Just thinking what I ever have done to you.
I wanna make it good with you
But I think I can´t win from the truth.
Cause lying is no option.
Lies will never wins
Maybe the truth will win from dreams.
But maybe it sounds insane.
I will pray every day till that day comes.

The only I want is you back to me.
Cause you are the only girl I love on earth.
I can´t live without you in my life.
So please come back to me.
That day will be my special day.

(Refrain 2x)

I will wake up with an good mind.
That will be more then only kind.
I will go to see her.
And i will hug her.
Just by sunset only.
Cause it will be perfect to me.
I hope this will be come true .
Maybe that special day will become true
Oh oh oh yeah.

(Final Part)

It seems it will never become true.
And that I better can keep quit with dreaming.
This world is so cruel.
It seems like love is not on this world.
Maybe it is just me.
Cause I excally don´t know the word we.
It was most of the times just me.
But now I know what is wrong.
I will make it right.
So please don´t leave me and stay by me.

(Refrain 2x)

I will wake up with an good mind.
That will be more then only kind.
I will go to see her.
And i will hug her.
Just by sunset only.
Cause it will be perfect to me.
I hope this will be come true .
Maybe that special day will become true
Oh oh oh yeah.

The Day comes maybe never.
Maybe it comes ever.
I never gonna stop with dreaming.
Till it comes true.
Till it comes true.
Till it comes true.

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I've Adopted a Neko!~
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Name: Krilla Lilly
Birthday:July the 5th
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Adopt Your Own Neko Too!~

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I've Adopted a Neko!~
Gender: Female
Name: Annamika Isabella
Likes: Dann,Nice guys,Clothing,Make-up,Music,Movies,Sporters
Dislikes:Hobo´s,Kadhaffi,Fat people,Light people,People that hates me
Owner:Roxasdanny15(Dann) Adopt Your Own Neko Too!~

Shadow Knight(1st place of my favourite avi's)

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Estimated Value:
3,187,999 Gold

Shadowlegend 2nd Gen.
601,000 Gold
Astral Commando Sidearm
119,999 Gold
Atrum Egg
50,000 Gold
Ancient Naginata
609,999 Gold
Ancient Katana
1,610,000 Gold
Black Silk Boxers
1,001 Gold
Damascus Armor
49,000 Gold
Damascus Armor
49,000 Gold
Damascus Armor
49,000 Gold
Damascus Armor
49,000 Gold

Black dark knight(2th place of my favourite avi's)

User Image

Estimated Value:
12,495,400 Gold

Compass of Seidh 7th Gen
1,400,000 Gold
Valhalla's Obsidian Armor
2,688,800 Gold
Valhalla's Obsidian Armor
2,688,800 Gold
Valhalla's Obsidian Armor
2,688,800 Gold
Valhalla's Obsidian Armor
2,688,800 Gold
Ironcrusher Armor
99,199 Gold
Deep Sea Enforcer Suit
240,000 Gold
Black Silk Boxers
1,001 Gold

My stuff that I were don't look at it

My Car:Audi 16 GT

Meet-up and Rally

RoxasDanny15 "Who else?"

RoxasDanny15's avatar

Last Login: 11/01/2011 3:00 am

Registered: 04/16/2010

Gender: Male

Birthday: 08/09/1995



View All Comments

xXxshayshay_mimixXx Report | 10/23/2013 10:25 pm
how are you doing its been a long time ^^
Warm Whisper Report | 07/09/2012 1:42 am
Warm Whisper
Haha~ You never change, do you? Still the same nooblet you've always been~
Evangelina_ValeryAstaria Report | 04/10/2012 11:33 am
hey its me im back on and i hope that your on again soon
claratoom Report | 01/11/2012 4:54 pm
dannnnnnnny i missssss u my dear crying heart heart heart heart
3xXAMPXx3 Report | 11/13/2011 8:19 am
Comment me Babe? Where r you?
Lyon Memora Report | 11/06/2011 7:34 am
Lyon Memora
This is for 3xXAMPX3.
3xXAMPXx3(Anna) if you read this then you know that I am hacked.
I wish i could say something to you but you blocked your profile against strangers.
Lyon Memora Report | 11/05/2011 12:41 am
Lyon Memora
Anna,if you read this then my main account roxasdanny15 has been hacked.
I must use this account now cause my account will be banned soon.
please anna add this account
3xXAMPXx3 Report | 11/04/2011 4:49 pm
What happend with you? Your not commenting bax.
Koki Fleur Report | 11/02/2011 10:04 am
Koki Fleur
that s cool emotion_bigheart
Lyon Memora Report | 11/01/2011 10:47 am
Lyon Memora
Please give me my account back including all gold and items


View Journal

the truth Roxasdanny story (Danny´s journal)

okay this is about evereyhing that i have made


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  • Screen King

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  • June Birthstone Sash

    From kickass rd

  • Catastrophe! 2nd Gen.

    From ???

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SleeplessTearStains on 11/26/2019
A Raw Soul on 08/09/2019
NancyGlorry on 08/08/2019

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My sis and I

This is mich my awesome friend.The inviter of my profile and the drawer of my drawing.Please visit her artshop.

My bestest big sis ever and her name is kamilya

My lil sis Dana

My mom

My daughter Heather

My lil sis Mazie

My lil sis Jenny

My BFF Brittny don't mess with her

I can jump off a high roof without dying or getting wounded. Cause i'm invincible.

My sister Kamilya's niece

My other big sis Eva

I´m Dann and I´m taken.Don´t tell ya who cause you will stalker her then.Paparazzi´s

My 2th Bestie