
I am an old gaian who finely figure her first account pass word so don't mind the old clothing. I been on gaia as long as the date you see on this account. I was previously as Rosie Sempai for the longest. But now that I am back, I am also back in school now for an illustration degree also back on DA under a new yet old name just an addition to sempai but the same name as this account So check me out on DA under the same name. I am back because every time I think of the beauty of the prettiness of gaia style items and those who stylishness there avatars I can't stand to be away. Also all those who got me involve and that I grew with on gaia. I love this site. So back with old name but new me in the way I am seeing things today and I hope my work and everything I do and like will help for the better of good in my life as well others.

P.S.: Yes I do art, Yes I have drawn gaian and gave freebies. Please ask if I have the time before suggesting I am giving art. Thanks.
Gaian's Lovable Fan Signs heart 's:

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