to prove FRIENDS ARE LIKE BALLOONS ONCE U LET THEM GO U CANT GET THEM BACK SO IM GOING TO TIE U TO MY HEART SO I NEVER LOOSE U. SEND THIS TO ALL UR FRIENDS INCLUDING ME! SEE HOW MANY U GET BACK ......I Love you .......I Love you ........I Love you ........I Love you ........I Love ___888888888888888_________________ __888888822222228888________________ _888888222I2222288888_______________ 888888222222222228888822228888______ 888882222222222222288222222222888___ 88888222222222LUV22222222222222288__ _8888822222222222222222222222222_88_ __88888222222222222222U22222222__888 ___888822222222222222222222222___888 ____8888222222222222222222222____888 _____8888222222222222222222_____888_ ______8882222222222222222_____8888__ _______888822222222222______888888__ ________8888882222______88888888____ _________888888_____888888888_______ __________88888888888888____________ ___________888888888________________ ____________888888__________________ _____________8888___________________ ______________88____________________ ______________8_____________________ ______________1_____________________ _______________1____________________ ________________1___________________ _________________1__________________ __________________1_________________ __________________1_________________ _________________1__________________ ________________1___________________ _______________1____________________ ______________1_____________________ ______________1_____________________ _______________1____________________ ________________1___________________ _________________1__________________ __________________1_________________ ___________________1________________ ___________________________________ Send This To All Ur Friends Including Me If U Care Bout me
Yes we are. Im just not really talking to anyone right now because I am really pissed and sad. The guy that I like named Kenny broke up with his gf just to quit gaia and he also said its not easy to break up with gf's but it is with friends. I am said cuz he said that and because the guy that I have liked for a long time is going to quit. If he quits.... ill never.... be able to talk to ever again.... this is the only thing I can contact him through. Gaia..... crying
It wont let me add you. Its saying you dont accept friend requests right now. So send one to me. Go into view all friends and write my username in the top right corner and then it will show my name and say add me
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