
Name: Rinoa Heartilly Caraway
Birthday: March 3
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Height: 5'3 1/2"(163 cm)
Parents: Julia Heartilly and General Fury Caraway
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black w/ 2 caramel strikes
Blood Type: Type B
Other Relations: none
Weapon: Blaster Edge
Limit Break: Combine, Angel Wing A beautiful, spirited young woman. A lively individual with the ability to touch people's hearts. Open and honest with her feelings, she speaks her mind without reservation. Driven by her ambitions, she can be difficult at times. A member of the Timber resistance group "Forest Owls," Rinoa fights against the Galbadian president, Vinzer Deling, whose dictatorship has caused great suffering in her homeland for far too long. Rinoa is very emotional, and tends to go with her gut feeling when acting. Her best friend is her dog, Angelo, who often rushes into battle to help Rinoa when she's in trouble. Rinoa is a beautiful young woman that expresses herself freely without hesitation. Her loyalty to her friends and honesty towards others makes her a sweet woman that Everybody loves...even Seifer... However, when her Resistance group against Galbadia needs help, Rinoa must call upon the one group that can do it all---SeeD. The three military members, Squall, Selphie, and Zell come out to Timber to help Rinoa's team. Rinoa isn't a SeeD member, but wishes she could at least be treated like one. As if she's a little girl, Squall, along with everyone else, moves her alside and will barely let her fight. Rinoa hates being treated that way......She disobeys her father's orders and leaves to catch up with Squall and Irvine to fight against the sorcerress. With the choices she's made...Rinoa will find something inside her no one EVER thought could be there...one thing that can get her through everything...
Her Love For Squall...
Thanks to all those who supported!
~RinoaVisit my house in towns:
Caraway Mansion (9 Barton 038219)
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