
You don't need to know much about me.
Just that this is the first time I've changed what my profile says about me since I started Gaia several years ago.

A little about me:
I'm anti-social.
I used to be asexual.
And I'm agnostic.
Yay for alliteration.

A little more about me:
I'm 22 years old.
My favorite color is green.
I'm a pirate.
My hobbies are reading and playing video games.

Highest level on Word Bump: 52

Also, I want to make a small observation: I know that 99% of the people posting in the regular Gaia forums are idiots, but it makes me sad that the same rule also applies to the writing forum.

My favorite guilds:
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Viewing 12 of 69 friends


Rants of a Ringwraith

Why, this be the cap'n's log, matey. I be a fearless pirate, you know. Arrr.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

s o f spyro86

Report | 10/09/2009 6:43 pm

s o f spyro86

i did, thats where i saw your avi
s o f spyro86

Report | 10/07/2009 3:51 pm

s o f spyro86

nice avi
Monte Carlo Method

Report | 10/01/2009 4:14 pm

Monte Carlo Method

Thank you~ :O
adopt pixie

Report | 09/26/2009 7:39 pm

adopt pixie

Thanks =)

Report | 09/23/2009 2:48 pm


The Dealer's room always chews up a ton of my time, too, at a convention. There's just so much to look at!

I wouldn't know, honestly. I've never been to an anime conventions specifically. Of course, there's lots of Anime stuff at regular gaming conventions, too- I mean, even at Fall In!, which is supposed to be about historicals. Nonetheless- Yes. Naruto Costumes muchmuchmuch too prevelent.

Report | 09/21/2009 1:01 pm


Oh, and I'm glad you had fun at the convention! What was it like?

Report | 09/21/2009 12:51 pm


Well, you seem to be a relatively reliable source for English knowledge then. wink

I agree, that seems likely.

Report | 09/20/2009 2:35 pm


You don't? Oh, I thought you had gone to GenCon. If you haven't, you really ought to! No, I haven't been to DragonCon- there's another annual event that weekend that I try to go to.

I seriously thought assonance was related to the vowel sounds at the beginning of the word... hmmmm. I'll go check that list of definitions from my English teacher later. (When I feel like it. XD)

Report | 09/17/2009 7:08 am


well, crap. I'd delete the last comment if I could... -__- Never mind on the request.

Report | 09/17/2009 7:00 am


You sent me a friend request, and was just trying to establish who you were, lol. Whether I know you irl, etc. So, if you wouldn't mind lettin me know, it'd be appreciated.


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