You don't need to know much about me.
Just that this is the first time I've changed what my profile says about me since I started Gaia several years ago.
A little about me:
I'm anti-social.
I used to be asexual.
And I'm agnostic.
Yay for alliteration.
A little more about me:
I'm 22 years old.
My favorite color is green.
I'm a pirate.
My hobbies are reading and playing video games.
Highest level on Word Bump: 52
Also, I want to make a small observation: I know that 99% of the people posting in the regular Gaia forums are idiots, but it makes me sad that the same rule also applies to the writing forum.
My favorite guilds:
Rants of a Ringwraith
Why, this be the cap'n's log, matey. I be a fearless pirate, you know. Arrr.
Vote for my avatar in the arena this week:
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