All about me! Coolest person you'll ever know!
I'm engaged, don't even try it.
So Yeah... >.> Spoof!
I'm not random no >.> I swear I'm not <.< Anyway on about me ^^
I like randomness. Its what makes me me, so give me a random pm or comment.
Anyway, Yes this is me. And guess what? I own two guilds.
Mind Tricks is the most used one of the two.
The other one is Fur Fun :3
Inari's Beads
Changeling Baby Boy
Winter Rose
Tama's Basket
that N8iv guy named JB::suspicious package, Black wolf, Feet of the Black Beast 20k heart heart heart heart heart
HogoshaKimiko:: 4K heart
The Escaped Dream:: 36k heart heart heart
SpookyKidOnDowners:: 500g heart
YamiKinai:: 400g heart
beloved-lie315:: 15k heart heart
Hello there! I'm Sheila but you can call me Rosie, Sheepdog, or that crazy psycho over there.
I am bipolar, bisexual, and bigender. I refer to myself as bieverything.
Otherwise, I'm a boxer kinda gal. I like to role play, play games, and just generally goof off. If you catch me in a good mood then I'm the best person to be around, if I'm in a bad mood then I'm full of self pity. I love art. Pretty much all aspects of art. Drawing, painting, sculpture, crafts, music ect ect. I like some art history as well, mostly ancient art. When you get into christian art, I get annoyed and bored, though it depends on the artist. I love to talk and help out. Though, I'm a very blunt person when it comes to my opinions and the facts that pertain to the subject at hand. Meaning, if you don't want the negative side of a subject, don't ask it cause you're likely to get it and I'm not very nice about it.
I am trying to become a free lance artist. I have a shop that you can look at my prices. The link will be below. The gist of it is I'll draw you a picture, or paint or whatever it might entail, you can get the original if you want or you can just get a digital copy. I'm open to pretty much anything.
Art Shop
Fur Affinity
Deviant Art
Well... I think thats it. If you really want to know more then just ask me in a pm or comment and I'll be happy to reply. Most of the time razz
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Anyone who has a problem with you is a moron!
But I love you.
And thank you for at least considering smile
Well, thats half my dilema.....but the question remains, do you like pokemon?