Ok so I still wanna be the grim reaper and will be someday but I thought I might tell you alittle more besides the fact that I'm really weird. So here goes. I really like poetry reading or writing it, I love music like i am the BIGGEST band nerd ever and I love it so much, I like to sing, and sleep, oh i really love sleep defanitly, I hate school like you wouldn't believe unless your Dillan cause you failed a grade so you would know, and umm I wanna speak French and Japanes, I love reading so much, and I mostly get along with guys...no offense girls as long as you arn't like rawr and preppy and ehhh *shivers* like that anyway umm then your cool.Yup that's me in a very short version.
Thank you so much yertle for the Winter Rose!!! (she gave it to me for only 20k)
Full Ink Quest:
Yellow Ink 45/500
Brown 107/500
Gold 6/500
Orange 4/500
Pink 5/500
Purple 2/500
Grey 0/500
Black 40/500
Red 37/2500
Blue 28/2500
Green 34/2500
White 10/500
Doners for Ink:
II Teddiursa II-4 Black Inks
ChimuKyou- Green-9, Black-19, Brown-44, Orange-1, Yellow-25, Purple-2, Pink-5, White-4, Blue-2, Gold-5, Red-12
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I didn't realize you were questing for inks. I'll donate some to you.