Who is UnEmoLove?

I'm Jessi.
I copy things off of movies and then people hate on me, you know what, I don't care!
So, who am I? I am UnEmoLove. I am not emo, hence the "un" but I love emo love pictures, hence the "emo love"
I'm a sucker for love stories, but I think I get too into them... I always fall in love with the characters, or a character. I love to write love stories also but only when I choose. I have to be "in the mood" to wrote at all. Yea, I am a teen.
So, drawing, I'm in love with it. Clothing, emo love, monkeys, cups, whatever I see in my head or feel. I can look at the ceiling, spot a space that's different than the others, and draw it. It turns out as random as and elephant with a cell phone...
I'm crazy about music. I fall asleep to it, I play it, I hum it, whatever, I just love it. If you notice, I'm not putting thngs that I hate. I don't hate. I'm not optomistic by any means but I don't like the words hate. I won't put things I "strongly dislike" either because why would you want to know that?
My favorite colors are blue, purple, black, white, grey, green, red, and brown. You know, dark colors. I'm originally from LA but I sadly don't live anywhere in California anymore.
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